About Me


My name is Nicholas Wile. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program at Kennesaw State University (KSU) in May 2022. At KSU I specialized in the design and development of video games and was a member of the Game Design & Development Club (GDDC). I love to work with state-of-the-art technologies in graphics and visual computing, from game design and development to 3D modeling and animation. I even got to experiment with motion capture using the KSU College of Computing & Software Engineering (CCSE) Realities Lab this past spring, where my team and I developed a technical demo instructing our class on how to get started with motion capture for 3D video game animations. It was a blast!

My favorite aspect of computer science — in addition to the creative problem-solving — is that learning it has demystified many of the things I used to question as a child, like "how do I take my 2D drawing of a character, make them 3D, put them onto the TV, and then make them move around by pressing the analog stick on my controller?" Through applying mathematics, physics, and programming I have now solved problems like these and many others, such as implementing gameplay, UI, artificial intelligence, computer networks, data structures and algorithms, and databases.


I am skilled at programming in C#, Java, C++, C, and Python; developing games using C# with Unity and C++ with Unreal; front-end web development using HTML5 and CSS3; website hosting with GitHub Pages (how I'm hosting this site!); source control using GitHub and Perforce; PC, Mac, and Android development; technical communication and video editing using DaVinci Resolve; graphics programming with OpenGL and HLSL; 3D modeling and animation for gaming use cases using Autodesk Maya and Blender; digital art and animation using Adobe Creative Suite and various raster and vector graphics editors; database design and development with MySQL; test case design and implementation with JUnit; and implementing TCP/IP client-server and peer-to-peer architectures.

In my free time I enjoy animating, drawing, programming, game developing, playing the keyboard and synthesizer, video making, and writing. But above all I love to collaborate on cool computer science and game design projects with my friends, where I have primarily served the roles of lead software developer, UI designer, multimedia artist, and animator.